Hamlet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, it explores themes of revenge, betrayal, and existential despair. Set in Denmark, it follows Prince Hamlet as he seeks to avenge his father's murder by his uncle Claudius, who has seized the throne and married Hamlet's mother, Gertrude. The play delves into Hamlet's inner turmoil, moral uncertainty, and descent into madness, culminating in a tragic series of events.


Director: Jeremy Cohn

Asst. Directors: Wisdom Murray & Maya Shandilay

Dramaturge: Lindy Girman

Scenic Designer: Anna Burke

Asst. Scenic Designer: River Wise

Costume Designer: Elly Burke

Asst. Costume Designer: Alistair Jaques

Sound Designer: Christian Sanchez

Composers: Jeremiah Groff & Henry Parmenter

Hair & Wigs Designer: Karen Berger- Nolte

Make-up Designer: Sadie King

Production Stage Manager: Elise Praz

Asst. Stage Manager: Dylan Hirt

Asst. Stage Manager: Luis Hernandez

Wardrobe: Abi Hayes

Fight: David Woolley

Asst. Fight: Destiny Chapman

Intimacy: Julie Granata


Hair: Rock Musical


Prequal to Animal Farm