"Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons" by Sam Steiner is a dystopian play about love, communication, and societal control under the "Hush Law," which limits speech to 140 words daily. It follows Bernadette and Oliver as they navigate their relationship, alternating between playful pre-law exchanges and fragmented communication after its implementation. Themes include the impact of language on intimacy, government overreach, and adapting to restrictions. Blending humor and poignancy, the play examines the limits of expression in love and life.
Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons
Director: Sam Ludwig
Stage Manager: Luc Lee
ASM: Elena Abdur-Rashid
Set Design: Megan Burke
Costume Design: Remus Smith
Sound Design: Max Cichon
Photos: @carolgphotography
Bernadette: Jessie Ellis
Oliver: Giovanni Mayfield-Wubbena